“So much of the failure in school comes directly out of boredom, which comes directly out of the larger failure to stimulate all those areas in the child”s brain which could give him so many more ways of responding to his world.’ ~ Jean Houston
This is the web site of the HE-Special-UK mailing list. We are a group of families who Home Educate children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities.
“Home Education” is the UK term for what may be better known as Homeschooling. Our children don't attend school, or in some cases may only attend school part time.
If you are Home Educating a child with Special Educational Needs or disabilities, or if this is something that you are thinking about, then I'd like to invite you to join our email list. You will be very welcome.
To find out more about Home Education have a look at our FAQ page, or read some of our articles.
Page 2 ~ Read the reasons why some members of the HE-special-UK mailing list chose to Home Educate.
What I like about Home EducationI came out of school in January 1999, because I was finding it hard to cope with the work, the noise, being bullied and no one really understood or seemed to care about me.
Rules of EngagementI'm an Army brat, so I grew up with the concept of having parameters within which you will and won't act, and what they call "rules of engagement." After a discussion on HE Special I decided to write down what I've learned about spotting the signs that a situation is or isn't likely to work.
© http://www.he-special.org.uk